Json Web Tokens (Jwts) are a rich alternative to cookies for ensuring authenticated access to protected assets, and it is now easy to implement them in a Phoenix-Elm (i.e. single page) environment using the Guardian and (my own) Elm-Jwt libraries respectively. This blog accompanies the example code in my Github repo, and steals gratefully from Daniel Neighman’s post on Guardian for APIs.
Setting up
On the Phoenix side you will need to add a module for handling passwords - comeonin seems to be the obvious choice - and Guardian.
defp deps do
[{:phoenix, "~> 1.1.4"},
{:comeonin, "~> 2.4"},
{:guardian, "~> 0.10.0"}]
The Elm package manager is your friend on the client side - just elm package install -y simonh1000/elm-jwt
Guardian needs some configuration
config :guardian, Guardian,
allowed_algos: ["ES512"],
secret_key: "my little secret",
issuer: "JwtExample",
ttl: { 30, :days },
serializer: JwtExample.GuardianSerializer
Issuing tokens
I won’t cover registering users here, but once they existing in the system they will need to login in via a route we shall call sessions
. (mix phoenix.gen.json Session sessions
pipeline :api do
plug :accepts, ["json"]
plug :fetch_session
plug :fetch_flash
scope "/sessions", JwtExample do
pipe_through :api
post "/", SessionController, :create
The client will be sending credentials via a POST request, and our controller (below) will prepare the token to return.
def create(conn, %{"username" => username, "password" => password}) do
case Auth.login_by_username_and_pass(conn, username, password, repo: Repo) do
{:ok, conn} ->
new_conn = Guardian.Plug.api_sign_in(conn, conn.assigns[:current_user])
jwt = Guardian.Plug.current_token(new_conn)
{:ok, claims} = Guardian.Plug.claims(new_conn)
exp = Map.get(claims, "exp")
|> put_resp_header("authorization", "Bearer #{jwt}")
|> put_resp_header("x-expires", "#{exp}")
|> render("login.json", jwt: jwt)
{:error, reason, conn} ->
|> put_status(500)
|> render("error")
checks the credentials and, if the password is validated, assigns the user details to :current_user
. Guardian.Plug.api_sign_in
uses that information to construct the token with the help of my custom serializer.
def for_token(user = %User{}), do: { :ok, "User:#{user.id}" }
def from_token("User:" <> id), do: { :ok, Repo.get(User, id) }
Guardian takes the output of the for_token
serializer and adds it as the “username” in the body of the token. The full token is eventually sent to the client by rendering in the view as a Json object {"token" : token}
Turning to the client, a simple form collects a username and password and sends them to the server as part of the update function, and with the help of elm-jwt’s authenticate
function. Using the new 0.17 syntax, this reads as:
Submit ->
let credentials =
[ ("username", E.string model.uname)
, ("password", E.string model.pword)
|> E.encode 0
( model
, Task.perform
LoginFail LoginSuccess <|
("token" := Json.string)
Authenticate sends the credentials as a POST and extracts the token returned using the provided decoder. Http and token decoding errors are returned to the user as a LoginFail message. On LoginSuccess
the token needs to be stored in the model.
I also generally use a port
to save it in localstorage, and seek to load the token form local storage (together with a timestamp) when the page loads. Before using it, I can then check if it is still valid:
LocalToken (time, token) ->
case Jwt.isExpired time token of
True ->
-- send to login page
False ->
-- attach token to model and ue
Making authenticated requests
Once the token is available, you can use it with the GET replacement function provided in the library, Jwt.get
, which creates a custom GET request that attaches the token to the Http headers before sending. For example we might have this in update
TryToken ->
( { model | msg = "Attempting to load message..." }
, (Jwt.get token dataDecoder "/api/data"
`Task.onError` (promote401 token))
|> Task.perform PostFail PostSucess
Note the optional use of promote401
, which is an additional convenience function that isolates Unauthorized responses from the server and checks whether these are causes by the token having expired. We could use this in our update
function as:
PostFail err ->
case err of
TokenExpired ->
( { model | msg = "Your token has expired" }, Cmd.none )
_ ->
( { model | msg = toString err }, Cmd.none )
Back on the server side, we need to look for the token, load the user details associated with it, and add it to the connection. To start we add a new pipeline to our router.ex and apply it to all api requests.
pipeline :api_auth do
plug Guardian.Plug.VerifyHeader, realm: "Bearer"
plug Guardian.Plug.LoadResource
scope "/api", JwtExample do
pipe_through [ :api, :api_auth ]
get "/data", DataController, :index
It is in the controller that we test that the user is in fact authenticated before deciding whether to provide a result. Guardian does that and has a helper to provide access to the user details, which I am passing to the view to use to customise the response.
defmodule JwtExample.DataController do
use JwtExample.Web, :controller
# Check user authenticated, otherwise halt
plug Guardian.Plug.EnsureAuthenticated, handler: __MODULE__
def index(conn, _params) do
user = Guardian.Plug.current_resource(conn)
render(conn, "data.json", user: user)
Jwt’s are growing in popularity especially for single page apps. They can now be used easily and comfortably with your favourite functional client-server combination. Enjoy!