It started with a casual remark from a colleague: “How about debouncing that?” I had a drop down menu that, on a single click needed to navigate to a new page and remove the dropdown, while a double click should make the menu item editable. The trouble was that the second clikc was never detected as Elm had already cleared away the menu. A quick look on led to 6 debouncing libraries (!), all based on storing Msg
s in the model. But which Msg - this is multi page App - and where?
Not impossible, but I have my model in one file, which is imported throughout the app by the update/view files that also host my Msg
definitions. Maybe factoring Msgs into separate files that can be widely imported is a good pattern - I can see some benefits - but it had not been necessary before in my larger projects. Was a major refactoring in order just to enable debouncing?
When I shared my concerns on elm-discuss, I was interested to be suggested a debouncer based on effects managers, a mysterious, largely undocumented part of Elm.
At this stage, I should remind readers that
An extremely tiny portion of library authors should ever write effect managers. Fundamentally, Elm needs maybe 10 of them total. … Public discussions of your explorations should be framed accordingly. Elm Platform
I’d looked at Effects Managers before and come away confused, but debouncing is a simple goal, and it turned out that it provides a simple, but non-trivial, example to learn from. This blog documents what I learnt modifying code from Matthew Conger-Eldeen, but does not promise to be comprehensive. I’m certainly open to the suggestion that debouncing can be solved in user-land, and that this is not one of the “10” valid uses of Effects Managers.
The three parts of an Effects Manager (EM)
If the conventional role of Elm’s update
functions is to modify state and trigger IO effects, then an EM has two of them. The first - onEffects
- handles Messages from user-land, while the other - onSelfMsg
- handles messages from the runtime initiated by the EM itself. Both return tasks rather the Cmds used by user-land update
The third part of any EM is the entry point for user-land. Let’s start with that.
1) Calling the EM from user-land
The entry point exposed to user-land is debounce
debounce : String -> Float -> msg -> Cmd msg
debounce key delay msgToReturn =
Debounce key delay msgToReturn
|> command
The type signature is simple enough: it takes a name used to distinguish between Msgs that user-land wants debounced, a delay, and the Msg
to return (if not displaced by some subsequent call to debounce
). The incoming information is temporarily carried by the Debounce type constructor, and the EM runtime will subsequently pass this to OnEffects
. The interesting thing is that the entry function returns a user-land Cmd msg
(nothing else would be appropriate within the Elm Architecture).
The construction of the Cmd
is complex, and is - as can be seen - handled by a function command
, which itself is defined in the definition of the module
effect module Debounce where { command = MyCmd } exposing (debounce)
while Debounce
is the type constructor of type MyCmd
type MyCmd msg
= Debounce String Float msg
is a reserved term, but MyCmd is set by the EM author.
The need for a mechanism to return something usable in user-land is clear, but the syntax is confusing in that it lend two interpretations to command
* a Functor: `command = MyCmd` (building an EM also requires the author provide a `map` function, `cmdMap`)
* a function: `command : MyCmd msg -> Cmd msg`
(I’m not yet sure whether these are equivalent definitions or not - leave a comment if you have a view).
In any event, behind the scenes the EM is collecting together the requests from user-land and passes them to
onEffects : Platform.Router msg Msg -> List (MyCmd msg) -> State msg -> Task Never (State msg)
This function handles the List (MyCmd msg)
, updates the local state, and “[a]n effect manager has access to a “router” that routes messages between the main app and your individual effect manager.” onEffects
works primarily with Task
s, so that composition is possible, and is required to return one.
In the case of debouncing, for each incoming debouncing request it is necessary to kill any previously started delayed command (the essence of debouncing), while starting the wait to return the new Msg
. For this we use Platform.sendToSelf
to trigger an effect that will result in a Msg
being returned to the EM. Details of process Ids for the delayed messages are stored in the State along with the commands to execute.
Handling messages back to the Effects Manager.
The Effects Manager can perform any standard Elm IO actions, and cause the results to be returned back to it. For that it has its own set of Msg
s and these are handled by
onSelfMsg : Platform.Router msg Msg -> Msg -> State msg -> Task Never (State msg)
in the case of debouncing, we have just one message
type Msg
= Execute String
is the Msg used by a Task that has slept the requisite period to return the name of the user-land Msg
to send back to the main app. The code uses Platform.sendToApp
to call the router
to send the message, and relies upon Process.spawn to fork that task and enable onEffects
to return the updated state (minus the command now debounced) to the EM’s runtime.